RH circle

The RH circle

The HR Circle of Financi'Elles has a dual purpose:
Measure the maturity of our companies' gender policies, their evolution and their impact,
Share best practices from our companies and propose new ones.

The HR Circle is made up of about thirty committed HR experts, in charge of gender diversity programs in their companies, who are working together on ways to advance the gender diversity agenda, and more broadly, inclusion in our sector.

For this, the HR circle regularly co-builds tools to continue to progress together : Ethics&Boards/ Financi'Elles index, Gender Diversity policy maturity grid, good practice thematic sheets, awareness-raising videos, etc.
These tools are offered to all to better anticipate and understand the evolutions of our professional environments.

Our latest achievements

The sharing of good practices is a fundamental challenge for the companies of which the networks are members of Financi'elles. 

In 2020, we collectively identified two topics of common interest: parenting and talent management.

During our exchanges, we identified the best practices of companies whose networks are members of Financi'Elles and presented them in the form of thematic sheets.

These fact sheets are intended to be regularly enriched by new themes, such as the implementation of the Rixain law, or best practices in inclusive leadership.
Let’s continue to inspire ourselves collectively!

Our animated capsules on parenthood

In partnership with BBOOSSTT, a training and coaching centre, the Cercle RH de Financi'Elles has created three videos on the theme of parenthood.
These motion design videos present in a playful way and on short formats the best practices on the following topics:

• Welcome the announcement of a departure on maternity / paternity / parental leave
• Influence work organization during leave
• Anticipate the employee’s return

An original way to communicate strong messages to employees and managers to improve the perception of parenthood in companies and make it a performance lever.

Gender diversity policy maturity grid

In 2018, the HR Circle of Financi'Elles developed a “gender diversity policy maturity grid”, supplemented by 100% of member companies, with the objective of evaluating the efficiency of actions carried out on four dimensions:

POLICY AND GOVERNANCE: Steering Committee, Degree of involvement of the manager, formalisation of the policy, Objectives and priorities
STEERING: Financial I'Elles Survey, Charters/Membership Labelling, Visibility indicators and dashboard, Social Dialogue
HR PROCESS: Recruitment, Promotion, Talent Management, Women’s Development Program, Management Evaluation, Compensation
CULTURE: Flexibility, Parenting, Non-discrimination training, Gender Equality Network

Beyond the overall good results for all member companies (score of 3 on a scale of 0 to 4), the maturity grid allowed each company to self-assess and the HR Circle to identify good practices.
The dynamics of the exchanges conducted since this study within the HR Circle on the most withdrawn points, should allow us to progress collectively to accelerate the mix in the management bodies of our companies in particular.

The Index Ethics & Board / Financi’Elles

The Index Ethics & Board/ Financi'Elles is updated regularly with the companies of which the networks are members to measure the share of women in boards of directors, governing bodies and talent pools.